Etsy’s New Facebook Integration


Just in time for Christmas shopping, Etsy has launched a new Facebook integration that allows you to find that perfect gift!

Etsy now links to Facebook to bring in your contact list and compares their Facebook interests with items on their site.  It’s the perfect way to find that one unique gift.

For instance, here’s my friend Becca.  On Facebook, she “liked” the Florida State Seminoles, so Etsy recommends some Seminole gift selections.  Love it!

Soul Pancake


Wait…is that?…no, can’t be…

Yep, that’s Rainn Wilson.  Otherwise known as Dwight Schrute, from The Office.

Rainn has started this amazing new site called, Soul Pancake – A place for you to explore the human experience.  Rainn, who was raised in the Baha’i Faith, has created this new social network for people to dig into the questions of life – Why are we here?  How does your passion lead to purpose? 

Rainn wanted to create a space that welcomes all ideas around spirituality and life.  There is no doctrine.  Just a lot of love and creativity.  Even the background to the site, whether bug-eyed radishes or blinged-out gnomes, gets you immediately curious about what you can find here.

You can post questions of your own to have answered by the community, or you can read some insightful perspectives from other great minds.  Soul Pancake also has creative activities, like “Thanked in 60 Seconds” (which I love), that help you examine your own life a little closer.

It’s made me realize that I’m not alone in my quest for answers.  We all want to be the change agent in the world.  We all want to live up to our fullest self – find our passion, our purpose.  Rather than reading Haikus about Buddah or listening to some drone voice reading philosophy, get your creative juices flowing at Soul Pancake.

60 Miles? We DID that!


Finished Day One - Feeling Good!

My sister-in-law, Wendy, and I just completed the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure in Dallas.  The 3-Day is a 60 mile walk around Plano, Richardson, Addison, Farmers Branch, the Park Cities and Dallas.

A big thank you to all of our donors and supporters.  There is no way we could have done it without you – including the lady on Webb Chapel handing out mimosas on Saturday morning!!!

Day 1, Friday

The 2011 Susan G. Komen Dallas/Fort Worth 3-Day for the Cure began on a chilly Friday morning at Collin Creek Mall in Plano.  I was asked to carry one of the Honor Flags in the opening and closing ceremonies.

Team Tiara - Day One

The 18-mile route started with an incredible send off from the kids at Aldridge Elementary. It was the first of many schools that came out to support us. The day was filled with cheering stations and fantastic community support. Lunch was great at beautiful Valley View Park. We had plenty of sun, music and even a little bit of dancing. After we cheered the last walker into camp we had a delicious dinner, including Mac and Cheese!!, and celebrated our top Dallas/Fort Worth fundraisers.

Saturday’s 21-mile route started a little cold but the sun came out and it was perfect walking weather. How about the cheering stations on Saturday? The pink gorilla was back this year and Gene Simmons from ‘Kiss’ was spotted at a Grab & Go in the afternoon. There were nearly two miles of continuous cheering stations after we had lunch at the Hockaday Academy. We walked a little slower today but we made it to camp in time for dinner, a few games and the dance party.

Shoe salute for the survivors at closing ceremonies

Our final day of walking began with a quick bus ride to Ursuline Academy. We started our 15-mile walk through som of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Dallas. Then it was onto the Katy Trail and through Historic Downtown Dallas past the American Airlines Center and Pioneer Plaza with the bronze steer. Lunch was at Main Street Garden – what a view of downtown Dallas! The final miles of the route wound through the Deep Ellum Arts District and into the Fair Grounds for a celebratory Closing Ceremony with our family and friends. It was an amazing end to a beautiful weekend.

Closing Ceremonies - We did it!

The DFW Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure raised $7.1 million for research and community awareness.

What’s Next

I will be participating in the 2012 Susan G. Komen DFW 3-Day for the Cure!  You can find my personal page at:

My Honor Flag

Dr. Sheri Phillips, National Spokesperson for SGK 3-Day for the Cure.

Wendy wondering where is that warm Texas weather?

Our amazing walker stalkers, Mom and Ali!

Our amazing walker stalkers, Mark and Clarke!

What an Honor!


Honor Flags at the DFW 3-Day in 2010

I’m so very excited! I have been asked to be an Honor Flag bearer at the opening and closing ceremony at the 3-Day in Dallas! Honor Flags acknowledge those loved ones that we as a group are walking for – our mothers, daughters, sisters. I’ll be carrying the “My Partner” flag onstage. I cannot wait!

At the beginning of this journey, I didn’t think I had any direct connection with this disease. My boyfriend, Mark, had lost his aunt to breast cancer and his mother to skin cancer. I had sorority sisters and Junior League members who were battling breast cancer. Then, in May, my 32-year old sister was diagnosed with breast cancer the day after Mother’s Day, and 5 days before her son’s 9th birthday.

The past few months have been extremely emotional for my family, but my sister has kept her spirits high.  We firmly believe that having a positive attitude plays a major role in your recovery.  So, you can only imagine how much this means to me.  60 miles?  I can do that!

Just 9 days until the event!  Cannot wait!

Attack Watch


Ahh, it’s campaign season.  And, the Obama for America re-election campaign is once again using social media to rally the masses, however this time it’s taken a much different tone.

Obama for America has launched a new campaign, called Attack Watch ( and @Attackwatch).  This website and Twitter feed, sponsored by the re-election campaign, is dedicated to dispelling campaign “lies” touted by Obama’s opposition.

“Obama for America national field director Jeremy Bird said the site offers “new resources to fight back,” including policy issue pages that fact check statements by Obama’s Republican opponents with links to “evidence” to back them up.” – ABC News

The Attack Watch campaign’s slogan “Get the facts. Fight the smears.” is shown at the top of the website where users can “report an attack” on the President, the administration or its policy.  The campaign is also encouraging followers to do the same via hashtag #attackwatch on Twitter.

While I have no problem with Obama rallying supporters for his re-election efforts, Attack Watch reeks of 1984’s “Big Brother.”  And, dare I say, when the administration launches a website called “Attack Watch” mere days after the 10th anniversary of 9/11, it may be misconstrued by many and strike fear in some.  This does not seem to be the type of dialogue that makes social media successful.

“This is a public relations disaster of the highest order. The acumen with which Obama’s team used the Internet in 2008 has become a joke today; someone should have known that an invitation to report dissent online would become an invitation to increase that dissent.” – Ology website

#AttackWatch is trending on Twitter with over 100 tweets a second, however response is not what the Obama campaign expected:

@meredithdake: “By going on offense w/ #AttackWatch Obama inadvertently gave the public a campaign-approved outlet 2 mock him in 140 characters or less.”

@JasonMKates: @AttackWatch #attackwatch is one of the funniest PR disasters in recent politics. Like telling on my brother and then getting beat for it.

@stephenkruiser: Gosh, color scheme for #AttackWatch doesn’t scream “creepy totalitarian WE’RE WATCHING U regime” at all.

@shiftzz: Hey #AttackWatch.. One of our programmers is using GOTO statements. Please make him stop!!!!!

@JMZygiel: My neighbor has a perry sticker on his car. sent FBI now. he might be a hobbit.  #attackwatch

@caldodge: #attackwatch – This woman is damaging Obama’s rep by spending millions of govt dollars on vacations. Please arrest her at 1600 PA Ave, DC

@BradThor: Is #attackwatch just another incarnation of  Wow, not only are #Obama & Co. incredibly thin-skinned, they’re paranoid.

@RyanC_Gorham: @AttackWatch I was told that if you were elected we would receive candy and unicorns, received neither #attackwatch

We can only imagine what is being sent to the website.

Here is the Attack Watch parody commercial from YouTube:

Remembering 9/11


I didn’t post anything on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  I didn’t feel that I had the words to do it justice.  I didn’t have the poetry to honor those lives or the eloquence to describe what I was feeling.  But, a friend of mine posted the following video that I think sums up my feelings nicely.  God bless.

Texas Fire Information Consolidated #txfire


Twitter Updates: hashtags #txfire, #centraltxfires, #txwildfire


Important Websites:

Bastrop Fires #txfires


***Update: Please see the updated consolidated #txfire list here.***

There are a dozen fires burning across Texas today, with the fire in Bastrop being one of the largest and least contained.  So far, the fire has consumed 30,000 acres and approximately 600 homes.  Smoke can be seen and smelled from Corsicana to Corpus Christi.  Dozens of fire stations across the state have dispatched fire fighters to Bastrop and other counties in trouble.

On Twitter, you can follow updates through hashtags #txfire and #centraltxfires.  Important Twitter feeds: @centexredcross, @KXAN_News, @keyetv, @txstormchasers, @statesman, @PreparingWilCo, @texas_wildfires.

On Facebook, there are a few places where people are putting information regarding evacuations and relocation of large animals and livestock.  Bastrop Co Fire Large Animal Info on Facebook has offers for open land where you can take large animals.  People are also posting to Texas Storm Chasers Facebook page.  Bastrop County Office of Emergency Management on Facebook has information for residents and those nearby.  American Red Cross of Central Texas on Facebook has additional information for evacuees.

More information on shelters and available assistance can be found here.  Evacuees are being asked to register on the Red Cross Safe and Well site so a count can be taken and family members can search.

UPDATE: According to @keyetv (KEYE TV Austin): Bastrop ISD is closed today and tomorrow.  This includes extracurricular activities.

UPDATE: Texas Fire Support on Facebook if you want to help fire victims.  We Are OK in Bastrop for people to post that they are safe – however, I recommend you please use the Red Cross Safe and Well site listed above.

UPDATE: Steiner Ranch is now being reopened to residents ONLY.  Must show ID at checkpoint.

UPDATE: @firetxnews is following fire incidents for Houston and surrounding areas.

UPDATE: To help – Donations are being taken at Texas Wildfire Relief.  Information about becoming a Red Cross volunteer.

UPDATE: KXAN News – Austin is asking anyone in need of volunteers to post to their FB page.  People are also posting there if they see any other fire threats.

UPDATE: Magnolia TX Fire and Evacuation on Facebook for those closer to the Houston area.  Austin American Statesman has a great page on area fire updates, school closures, volunteer information and evacuation/shelter information.

Central Texas Fires on Facebook, although I would urge you to use one of the pages already established.  This one seems to be too general.

Texas Interagency Coordination Center has a great map of active fires in the area.

UPDATE: Austin Statesman has set up Central Texas Wildfire Recovery on Facebook.  Leon County Emergency Management on Facebook.  Tomball Fire Marshal’s Office on Facebook.

Texas Forest Service website reporting Texas Forest Service responded to 22 new fires for 7,544 acres, including 10 new large fires.  In the past seven days Texas Forest Service has responded to 181 fires for 118,413 acres.  It appears that in the past 48 hours, more than 700 homes have been destroyed.

UPDATE: Williamson County Office of Emergency Management on Facebook

UPDATE: KVUE Austin-area wildfire donations – ways to help fire victims.

UPDATE: Greater Austin / Bastrop Fire Relief – Austin Disaster Relief Network

Just Ask Your Kids…


I think this is brilliant.  As a tech marketer, I think the most important aspect of marketing communications is to keep the explanation of technology as simple as possible.  Sometimes, we get too caught up in the bits and bytes, speeds and feeds, and forget the true value of what we are delivering.  Technology wouldn’t mean anything unless it helped people produce, create, communicate, develop – cheaper, faster and smarter. 

I hear people all the time say, “My kid knows more about [fill in the blank – social media, web design, networking] than I do.”  So, why not have children explain cloud computing?  One of the most complex – yet easy – themes in technology today.  That’s exactly what Accenture did in the YouTube video below – have the digital natives explain it to us old folks.